Hay Hoop
Hay Hoops are handy hoops complete with net & can be used just about anywhere. Save $10 buying them premade & ready to use. Mount with the included hardware kit (clamps, screws & zip ties) with the net & hoop on the inside of the pen.
Caution: meant for use by 1 horse per net only. Multiple horses pulling at the net can break the pipe.
An easy way to feed hay in the same spot. Perfect for busy boarding & training facilities and/or feeding loose hay from a round bale.
Keep it portable & get creative, you can slip the net between fence rails and feed with the hoop loose, mount it on panels using the included zip ties, use twine & a clip like in the video and more.
***use with caution and place high enough that shod horses cannot paw or get the hoop on the ground and possibly get a shoe caught.