Thank you again so much from me, Vincent, Angel, Hershey, and Frosty!!!

Joan D -The picture is our donkey Loki showing a new use for your hay nets. The latest fashion accessory for the discerning donkey.We have been using
your hay nets for several years for our donkeys. It is amazing that they are still in one piece. We put their ration of hay in the nets and then fill them up with straw. In the good weather we put the nets on the ground and then they are fair game for our two donkey boys. First they get flipped in the air and rolled on the ground. When they are empty they are used for serious games of tug a war. When that game is over they tow each other around the field – it is a wonder they have any teeth left. Their next game is one donkey stands to the end of the net and the other pulls and tries to “up end” the other donkey. One day as the games were winding down Willy draped the net over Loki’s shoulders like a shawl. Loki wandered around for several hours sporting his new outfit.
The original Eco Nets have a few holes in them so I am going to use the repairs kits that arrived with my new nets to do the necessary repairs.
Our new nets arrived only days after ordering them. Thank you for offering such a top quality, made in Canada product.
Marg B - shared her pic of her Champion Mini "Render" with his 1" Micro
PipsQueak Paddocks -
Subject: The Minis want more nets! LOL
Hi ya! Thank you again for your kind donation! We have loved your nets sooooo much that I would like to order 10 more. They are by far the easiest brand to use, and the sturdiest! I was going to get them at the Mane Event, but now see that you won't be there. :(
Bec = Pipsqueak Paddocks Miniature Horse Haven Society
Doug B - I have been using the nets for approximately 9 months now , the are so easy to fill and put out, saving time.
I have two horses, miniature cows and donkey eating from them, all adapted quickly to eating from the nets.
It has drastically reduced the amount of hay used and mess.
It definitely keeps all of them occupied, what a great product.
Doug B
Sandy Ridge Farms - love the convenience of the nets so all our event horses have access to hay without waste when outside. Great product. Thank you very much !!
Gail T - That "Neon Orange"trailer saver worked great. I loved it and I wouldn’t make any changes. Hangs well, and all the fittings are super. The large hay bags I got from you also worked fantastic in our head to head trailer.
Pat Ross - I thought I could kill two birds with one stone by showing you both the work I did and to complement EcoNets on an outstanding product that does exactly as advertised. This is our third bale and not one hole has been chewed in it. Every body is happy!! What could be better than that?
Linda F - I received my round bale net in very good time and my fjords have been very successfully using it for about a month now. Love this product and tell others about it whenever the opportunity arises. Heard about EcoNets through our fjord newsletter ad. thank you for a great product Linda
LV Ranch Friesian's - enjoying their Eco Nets
My Friesians love sharing the Square nets, I love the nets, Thank you !!
Jeanette's pony/donkeys enjoying their Trailer Savers- (older style)
Cheryl H - I owe you an apology. I'm not sure if you remember me, but a couple of years ago I bought a (small round) net from your company.
My horse made about 20 holes in the net within a few days, and I was pretty frustrated. I was upset with the product, blaming it for not holding out. I loved the concept but it just didn't seem to work for us.
I thought I should e-mail you to let you know that in October we sold that mare and bought another one. The new mare is quieter and not so desperately hungry all of the time.
Since I had nothing to lose, I repaired the many holes left by nasty mare, and put the net back into use, protected by a feeder.
It has been working extremely well. Since October I've only had to repair 1 spot. Both of my horses look great, and the hay is lasting twice as long compared to without the net.
I do believe that it's really important to protect the net from the horses hooves. When the hay gets low, they tend to step on the net and yank with their mouths, but if it's in a feeder, they can't do that.
Anyway - I'm really sorry and wanted to let you know that I'm pretty excited about your nets and believe in them now.
Thank you! Cheryl H
Randy F - built this custom run-in feeder, he can block off or allow access from either horse side and feeds with round bales from inside ;))
LaRae J - Last Year at the Chilliwack, BC Mane Event, I purchased a 1.5" hay net after a conversation regarding my mare. When I first introduced her to a net made by another manufacturer, it had the 1 inch holes. She was NOT impressed and her “peevish” personality became even worse. She is a “mare’s mare” with all the attributes! But I persevered with the 1” as she “inhaled” her hay too fast. Shauna explained to me that some horses “do” become anxious with the smaller holes and since I needed another net, to purchase the larger sized openings and give it a go. What a difference ! –
I stood alongside her for the first offering – fully expecting the typical attitude of her (ears pinned, anxious, angry) when eating from the smaller built net. It DID NOT HAPPEN ! – After her first pull through of hay through the string, she calmed down. I am attributing it to the larger “bite” she was able to obtain and the easier feeding. I have also noticed that your nets DO NOT become entangled or heavily “turned” due to the stronger and better built “rope” used to pull the net together and tie it. I have also had NO issues with pulled or broken strings – and I have seen my mare be quite rough with the bag (its in her nature unfortunately – but she is an awesome riding partner!) - - she is still a “mare’s mare!” – but she is happier at feeding ! - Thank you for talking to me and encouraging a different approach. I strongly recommend your nets.
Sincerely – LaRae L J
Judy M - I have attached some pictures of our Saanen goats using your Eco Nets. Our buck Flyingbird Tucker Challenger using his hay net. This is his second bale of hay using the eco net and notice that there is hardly any scraps in the feeder tray. Scraps and good hay on the ground is from previous feeding with no net. Our 5 month old bucklings have been using the nets since birth, notice that there is hardly any depth of scraps or good hay on the ground after a 4 week period. Our 5 month old doelings who also have been using nets since birth, again notice lack of depth of scraps or good hay after 4 weeks. It is hard to take pics when they are more curious than hungry. Judy M
Jane B -
...and thank you. I don't know who you are and if I did I would thank you personally but thank you for what you do, thank you for making these nets and for making them available to the general public. I have a beloved steed who's health has improved and continues to improve because of your nets.
My beloved Harley is a rescued Standardbred who suffered from damage to his nasal passage as well as heaves. He was underweight and I needed to let him free feed due to trust issues with people - a round bale solved many of the issues I faced with him, but exasperated the heaves issue - until my vet told me about EcoNets.
I used my EcoNet last year over a large round bale combined with the tombstone feeder I owned previously and the positive effects on Harley are too many to list, now this year with hay being at such a premium I find myself needing the smaller net for smaller bales - so I ordered another one without even hesitating!
Thank you for giving me a life sustaining option for a horse with no less than 10 issues, the least being Heaves. Your product is a godsend for me and my horses.